1 Million Loaves of Bread For The Needy / Dhu al-Hijjah
HomeDonation Forms1 Million Loaves of Bread For The Needy / Dhu al-Hijjah
1 Million Loaves of Bread For The Needy / Dhu al-Hijjah
$320 of $10,000 raised
Syrians, Yemenis, & Palestinians Plunge Deeper Into Poverty & Despair Every Day
After 70 collective years of war, the population of these war-torn countries is devastated. The people of Syria, Yemen, and Palestine suffer politically, socially, economically, and morally every single day.
In order to escape the bloodshed and suffering, some families took refuge in other countries. One of the countries that opened their gates to the refugees was Lebanon… but now, Lebanon is struggling too.
With a constantly declining economy, Lebanon now has a poverty rate of 80%. Inflation continues to rise, and the refugees plunge deeper into despair every day.
They have nowhere to go, and nothing to eat. Initially, they resorted to eating bread, and it became an integral part of their meal. Until recently, many refugees were able to buy at least enough to get by. Now, they are struggling with that as well.
They escaped war, but now, they are losing their loved ones to hunger, and with them, their hope.
Meet The Refugees of Arsal Camps
For the most part, refugees in the Arsal Camp eat bread with cheese only. Unfortunately, most days, they are unable to afford this simple meal, too.
The elders of these camps used to send their children to look for plastic bottles in trash piles, so they could sell them and have enough money to afford ONE bundle of bread.
But now that prices are soaring at an all-time high, they are unable to buy any bread at all. If they’re lucky, they get to eat the leftover stale and hard bread with water to sustain themselves.
Most days, the refugees of Arsal Camps, which include the elderly, children, and women, don’t eat ANYTHING for days—simply because they cannot afford to.
We Can Help Meet Their Most Basic Needs…
Food is one of THE most basic needs for human survival. Together, we can help meet this need of the refugees in Arsal Camps. We can turn their situation around and ensure they have enough bread to eat for days.
For their survival, every family in these camps needs at least TWO bread bundles every day. Each bundle costs $0.25, only. But, for the refugees, this is very EXPENSIVE because they earn less than $1.5 per day.
Here’s how it works:
1. You Donate To Our Campaign
2. We Receive the Donation
3. We distribute the packages to the families in Lebanon / Northern Syria
Hunger Waits For None… The Clock Is Ticking
According to the International Food Policy Research Institute, Yemen is one of the most starved countries in the world.
In fact, 78% of Yemenis, over 80% of Syrians, 53% of Palestinians in Gaza, and 27% of Lebanese live under the poverty line.
Combined, this is 79.3% of Yemenis, Syrian, Palestinians, and Lebanese live under the poverty line AND are food insecure. They never know when they will have their next meal. And it gets worse…
Hunger is akin to death, and the clock is ticking— we must not wait!
Remember, it takes less than a minute and just $50 to ease the hardships of 100 families from the comfort of your house…